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Team of Eight

Team of 8

Instructions for the Team of Eight Match

This match is for teams of eight pupils firing on Cadets & Schools cards. Any .22 rifle and ammunition may be used but telescopic sights are not allowed. In each round the best six scores will be counted, so it is possible to enter with just six firers.

Entries are to be made by July 1st with the Autumn League entries.

From 2018 the conditions are to change in that NSRA 1989 10-bull cards will be used and all eight scores to count. Full details are yet to be finalised

Qualifying Round

  • To be fired on '5-bull' (Cadets and Schools) cards issued by the School. See BSSRA Form B1 for how to issue cards and the wording of certificates.
  • Each competitor fires one card. They can be shot at any time after the start of the Autumn Term, provided they arrive at the scorer by November 1st.
  • Cards arriving late will not be accepted.
  • Make sure all cards are properly issued, signed, dated and witnessed.
  • You will be informed by email of the name and address of your scorer
  • Enclose a suitably stamped addressed envelope for the stickers for your Final Round cards.
  • The top 10 (and equal scoring) schools will shoot again in the Final Round.

Final Round

  • Eight stickers will be issued to each qualifying school. These are to be affixed to the back of a diagram on each '5-bull' card before shooting commences.
  • Cards, and any unused stickers, must reach the scorer by December 10th.
  • Cards arriving late will not be accepted.

Final positions will be decided by scores in the Final Round but the Qualifying Round scores will be used for counting out. The winner will receive the Team of Eight Cup to be held for a year. The three top teams will receive medals.

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