Junior Championship

Instructions for the Junior Championship
Competitors must have been under 15 on 1st September of the academic year in which the competition is shot.
Entries to be made by July 1st with the Autumn League entries.
Qualifying Round
- To be fired on two '5-bull' (Cadets & Schools) cards issued by the School. See BSSRA Form B1 for how to issue cards and the wording of certificates.
- Make sure all cards are properly issued, signed, dated and witnessed.
- The cards may be fired at any time after the start of the Autumn Term provided they reach the scorer by February 1st. Cards arriving late will not be accepted.
- Do not gauge the cards. Estimate the scores and only send ungauged pairs of cards estimated to total at least 190 to the scorer. Enclose a stamped addressed envelope for the Qualifying Round results and any Final Round stickers.
- You will be informed by email of the name and address of your scorer.
- Sets of cards estimated to total less than 190 may be gauged and/or disposed of.
- The top 20 (and equal scoring) competitors then go on to the Final Round
Final Round
- Two '10-bull' (NSRA 1989 pattern) cards with stickers to be fired by each competitor any time after the stickers have been received provided they reach the scorer by March 24th
- The scorer will supply stickers to the finalists; these must be applied to the back of a diagram before shooting.
- Cards arriving late will not be accepted.
- Final positions will be decided by scores in the Final Round but the Qualifying Round scores will be used for counting out.
The winner will receive the Yool Cup to be held for a year and a tankard to keep. Subsequent prizes of medals, and a Finalist Badge will be awarded to all competitors reaching the Final Round.
v25.1 28/2/2025