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Scorers Instructions


Instructions for Scorers

Many thanks for volunteering. Your assistance is essential in helping us to run the Leagues and the Association is most grateful. Please note the following:

  • 1. Please read and apply the rules set out in Form B2. The use of a .22 gauge (obtainable from the NSRA) is of course vital. For NSRA 1989 pattern cards we advise the use of gauges with flanges (separate gauges for 25, 20 and 15 yard ranges). On 1989 targets please apply the NSRA ruling that a shot not a six but within the black will score five and a shot partially in the black and partially in the white shall score 4.
  • 2. ALL divisions are scored on a "one point for each team you beat plus one" basis. In the case of a tie the tying teams receive only the points for the teams they have beaten (i.e. no half points).
  • 3. Results: Please
    a. Give each team the scores of its individual members (not points dropped),
    b. Show the team letter as well as the school (e.g. Berkhamsted C).
    c. Indicate clearly who has beaten whom and what points have been gained.
    d. Indicate position, points to date and aggregate score for each team, i.e. a league table.
    e. With 10-bull cards be careful to use the outside edge of the line to determine points dropped.

    Excel spreadsheets are available all ready to use, with instructions.
    Click here to download the spreadsheet for Section 1.
    Click here to download the spreadsheet for Section 2.

  • 4. Please do not wait longer than the THURSDAY after each round for late cards. Send out (email) provisional results and adjust in the next round (if you accept the late cards).
  • 5. Please send a copy of Rounds 1 & 2 results (together) to your Section Secretary. You may then be given handicaps to apply (retrospectively from Round 1, but none in the top divisions of each Section). When the final round is complete please send the results of all rounds to your Section Secretary and to the Webmaster, Tony Clayton (email:
  • 6. Last days for shooting (Mondays):
    These dates will be sent to you via email, on the Allocations Schedule for the term. The Allocations Schedule shows you the teams you have been allocated to score. When you receive the first cards (Round 1 & 2) please check you also receive an Issue Certificate and contact details from each school. Be swift with your results of Rounds 1 & 2, Section Secretaries have to check them against the declared averages and apply handicaps. Prompt distribution of winners' badges depends on your prompt Round 5 results. Also work out the averages of regular firers and include these with Round 5 results. (The standard spreadsheet helps, see link above.)
    100s on either NSRA 1989 cards or Cadets & Schools cards qualify for an HPS badge: These will be sent (1 per person per term) on receipt of your final score sheet via your Section Secretary.
  • 7. WITNESSES need to be declared on the Issue Certificate, or introduced by the Master i/c, if they start in subsequent rounds. Please insist upon schools observing the rules on B2 for changes in teams and reserves, and ask for the required certificates for averages. Note the rule about reserves - see B2 Personnel of League Teams (e).
  • 8. Train your schools to abide by the rules. However, do remember that our purpose is to provide sport for the competitors, not to test their administrative ability. Thus be lenient with first-time offenders and let them off with a caution whenever possible. Contact your Section Secretary if you feel disciplinary action should be taken.
  • 9. In case you lose your allocations letter, a copy for the current leagues can be downloaded by clicking here
  • 10. Please email all results not just to schools but also to the Webmaster

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