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B1 Notes for Schools


BSSRA Form B1 - Notes for Competing Schools

If teams have to be withdrawn, the Adult i/c must at once inform the Scorer concerned, to avoid delaying the results for all the other teams.

Issue of targets - LEAGUES: The Adult i/c Shooting (as declared on the entry form) is PERSONALLY responsible upon honour for issuing match cards for use by his teams in the Leagues. This is to be done by signing across the back of one diagram on each card and writing on the front the Section, Division, and round number (e.g. 1 - 2 - R1) and the team's name and letter. You should also include the name of the intended firer (as for Individual Competitions).

ALL the league cards for a term's shooting must be issued BEFORE ANY is shot. NO DUPLICATES may be issued.

Adults i/c may 'sign' the cards using a personal signature rubber stamp, if they wish. Teams in the top Divisions of each Section are to use the pre-stamped cards or stickers they are sent. One sticker is to be affixed to the rear of a diagram on each card before any are fired.

Issue Certificate: In all Divisions the Adult i/c must send a certificate to each Divisional Scorer with the first cards sent for scoring, worded thus: I certify that before any card was shot I issued all the cards for the teams shooting this term by:

  • a) signing across the back of a diagram on each card,
  • b) putting the Team's letter, Round Number and firer's name on the front of each card.

No duplicates will be issued.

Ensure you include your telephone number and email address for results/contact, or, if absolutely necessary, stamped envelopes as well as names and specimen signatures of witnesses on the certificate.

Any other witnesses during the term should be similarly introduced by the Adult i/c to each Divisional Secretary concerned.


The cards for the first stage should be issued as above before shooting starts. They should be marked 'T8' and the team letter should be shown if more than one team is entered. A certificate, as above, must be sent with the cards. Stickers, to be used as above, will be issued for teams reaching the second (Final) stage.


For the Association and Junior Championships all the cards for the first and second stages must be issued as above and marked with the name of the competitor before any is fired. The first stage is fired and scored internally. Certificates must be sent with the second stage cards (separate certificates to the scorers of the Association Championship and the Junior Championship). The third stage (Final) must be fired on the pre-stamped cards that will be posted to those qualifying for the final. For the single stage of the Staff Championship, the stickers are to be affixed as above, before firing.


Divisions will normally consist of SIX teams, according to the declared averages submitted on the entry form. The teams all shoot against each other in five rounds (four in the summer term). In each round the scores for the teams are compared and each receives a point for every team it beats plus one point. This rule is to be applied literally in the case of a draw. The winner of each Division is the team with the most points at the end of the last round. In the event of a tie the team with the highest aggregate will be the winner.


each round shall be a MONDAY. The last day for firing the first round (or first two) will be notified with the League details and other rounds will normally follow at fortnightly intervals.


(in the form of badges) will be awarded, one for each registered member of the winning team in each Division. Silver Cups, to be held for a year, are also awarded at the highest levels of all the important competitions. Top Score badges are also distributed for Adults i/c to award internally after receiving the round 5 results. H.P.S. badges are awarded each time a competitor scores 100 on either NSRA 1989 cards or Cadets & Schools Cards.


Cards must be sent to the scorer as soon as possible after firing is complete and no later than the day after the last day for firing. Unshot cards for the round must also be included. Cards must be received by the scorer on or before the THURSDAY following the last day for firing (a Monday). Late cards are accepted at the discretion of the scorer. First class post is to be used for cards posted late. A Stamped Addressed Envelope must be included if results are required other than by email.

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