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B2 Rules & Regulations


Notes & Interpretation of NSRA Rules & Regulations (1999)

Only schools with cadet units or rifle clubs approved by the Home Office may participate. Words denoting the masculine are to be taken to include the feminine. The term 'Adult i/c' denotes Master, Mistress, SSI, Adult, Organiser, etc. as appropriate. Veterans means ex-pupils. Except as noted in Form B1 or below, NSRA Rules and Regulations apply.

BSSRAs National Qualifications are defined as follows:

  • country of birth or
  • country of birth of either parent or
  • country in which the school is situated or
  • country in which the home is situated, provided that once a selection has been made no change may be made in following years.

Competitors must still be in full-time secondary education.

The choice made does not prejudice an individual's choice in other spheres.

Scoring of cards: (please refer to the BSSRA 'Guidance on scoring' available from the Competitions Secretary)

  • There is always the problem of multiple shot-holes on Cadets and Schools cards. Before signing and dating cards with "two-in-one-hole" targets, the witness should ask the firer to confirm having fired 10 well-aimed shots at the target and then write the answer and any further comment on the card. The presence (or absence) of comments on the card is a guide only, and the scorer shall decide whether it is reasonable to give benefit of doubt and score "two in one" or just one shot.
  • In our Individual Competitions remaining ties will not be broken.

Witnessing: In the School situation witnesses may be:

  • The Adult i/c Shooting;
  • Adult coaches;
  • Senior pupils at the discretion of the Adult i/c;
  • Other categories as in rule 7.5 (but only the pupils in (c) may be included).

Please note that, after firing, the competitor must sign his card and the witness must then sign and date it.

Match periods:

Cards will be fired in the current or two preceding match periods. An Adult i/c Shooting may apply to the Scorer for permission to fire even earlier, where examinations or school closures cause difficulty. Shooting for the first stages of the Association and Junior Championships may begin 1st December. Only in exceptional circumstances will the late firing of cards be accepted, and permission in advance must be sought from the Scorer.

Personnel of League Teams:

The allocation of teams to divisions (in accordance with declared averages) and the application of handicaps are intended to produce the result that in any division the team that improves the most that term should win that division. Thus the BSSRA rules for membership of League Teams are:

  • (a) The registered members of a team (five per team in Section 1, and four per team in Section 2) shall be those who fire in round 1. Normally the registered team members will fire in each round. If a qualified reserve (see below) has to be used for round one, the Adult i/c must write the relevant data on averages (See (c) and (d) below) on the issued card and also write on the card the name of the intended registered member.
  • (b) No competitor may shoot for more than one team in the same section in any round. Competitors may shoot for teams in different Sections provided that they are registered members of both teams or qualified reserves as below.
  • (c) A lower team member shooting as a qualified reserve for a higher team should revert to the team for which he is registered, as soon as the higher team member is available to resume his registered place. Otherwise the Adult i/c will inform the Scorer/Scorers of the change(s) needed and the reason(s).
  • (d) A qualified reserve may be included in a team if a registered team member is incapacitated, e.g. by absence or illness. A reserve is qualified when his current average does not exceed the DECLARED or REGISTERED average of the member being substituted and he fulfils the age and all other required conditions.
  • (e) Where a school simply doesn't have a qualified reserve, it may take advantage of NSRA Rule 7.9.7 (Section 2.1 of the ring file Handbook) - "Where the current average of the reserve exceeds the registered average of the shooter being substituted, the score of the reserve shall be reduced by the difference, rounded to the nearest whole number above, between his current average and the substituted shooter's registered average."

Action under (c) - (e) must be explained on the card, with the relevant data on averages.


Any protests regarding infringements of the rules should be sent to the Scorer within seven days of the alleged offence. The Scorer will refer the matter to the Section Secretary. BSSRA will apply the CCRS procedures in any disciplinary hearings. However in matters concerning the rules of competitions the final arbiter shall be the BSSRA Secretary.

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